The ancients Greeks were polytheistic — that is, they
worshipped many gods. Their major gods and goddesses lived at the top of Mount
Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, and myths described their lives and
actions. In myths, gods often actively intervened in the day-to-day lives of
humans. Myths were used to help explain the unknown and sometimes teach a
For example, Zeus, the king of the gods, carried his
favorite weapon, the thunderbolt. When it rained and there was thunder and
lightning, the ancient Greeks believed that Zeus was venting his anger.
Many stories about how the Greek gods behaved and
interacted with humans are found in the works of Homer. He created two epic poems:
the Iliad, which related
the events of the Trojan War, and the Odyssey,
which detailed the travels of the hero Odysseus. These two poems were passed
down orally over many generations.
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A Soap Opera from Hellas
Many Greek myths explained the mysteries of nature. The myth of
Apollo, for example, describes how the sun moves across the sky to rise and set
each day.
The Greeks created gods in the image of humans; that is,
their gods had many human qualities even though they were gods. The gods constantly
fought among themselves, behaved irrationally and unfairly, and were often
jealous of each other. Zeus, the king of the gods, was rarely faithful to his
wife Hera. Hera plotted against Zeus and punished his mistresses.
The Greek gods were highly emotional and behaved
inconsistently and sometimes immorally. Greek religion did not have a standard
set of morals, there were no Judaic Ten Commandments. The gods, heroes, and
humans of Greek mythology were flawed.
In addition to Zeus and Hera, there were many other major
and minor gods in the Greek religion. At her birth, Athena, the goddess of
wisdom, sprang directly from the head of Zeus. Hermes, who had winged feet, was
the messenger of the gods and could fly anywhere with great speed. Aphrodite,
the goddess of love, was the most beautiful being in the universe. Her brother,
Ares, the god of war, was sinister, mean, and disliked. Poseidon, ruled the sea
from his underwater place and Apollo rode his chariot across the sky, bringing
the sun with him.
Hades was in charge of the dead in the underworld. Almost
all people went to Hades after they died whether they were good or bad. To get
there, the dead had to cross the river Styx. Charon was the name of the boatman
who ferried the souls of the dead across the river Styx to Hades.
Typically, the gods punished those who were bad. For
example, Tantalus who killed his own son and served him to the gods for dinner
was sent to Hades and made forever thirsty and hungry. Although there was a
pool of clear, fresh drinking water at his feet, whenever Tantalus bent down to
drink, the pool would dry up and disappear.
Likewise, over his head hung the most delicious fruit.
However, whenever Tantalus reached for them, a wind would blow them just out of
his reach. The English word "tantalize" derives from the name
Pandora's Box and Hercules' Labors
Myths helped explain how the world came to be the way it
was. In one myth, Zeus created an incredibly beautiful and nearly perfect woman
named Pandora. Her one flaw was that she was very curious and suspicious.
Hermes, Zeus's messenger, gave Pandora a golden box. He warned her never to
open it because terrible things would occur if she did.
But Pandora could hardly contain her curiosity and
eventually broke down and opened the special box. Out from the box flew all the
evils that plague humanity: famine, greed, pain, sorrow, etc. Only one thing
remained in the box — hope — which humans managed to hold on to. This myth
explains the origins of human misfortune. At the same time, it teaches a moral
lesson by warning of the dangers of curiosity.
In addition to myths about gods, the ancient Greeks also
told stories about heroes. One of the most famous Greek heroes was Hercules,
the world's strongest man. Hercules was the illegitimate son of a mortal woman
and Zeus, who tricked the woman by disguising himself as the woman's husband.
Hera, Zeus's wife, was angry about Zeus' affair and sought to punish Hercules.
Hera tricked Hercules into believing that his entire family were dangerous
beasts, which Hercules then proceeded to kill. When Hercules realized that he
had killed his entire family, he agreed to perform 12 tasks to atone for his
terrible actions. For one of the tasks, Hercules had to slay the nine-headed
monster called the Hydra.
For another task, he had to clean the filth from Augean
stable, which had not been attended to in 30 years. To do this, Hercules
diverted the course of a river that washed away the mess. In the end, he
completed the so-called 12 Labors of Hercules and made up for the murder of his
of the gods, Zeus killed his father Chronos. He is also the god of thunder.
wife of Zeus, Hera is the goddess of fertility.
god of the sea.
god of the underworld.
little-known goddess, she is a sister of Zeus and goddess of the hearth.
leader of the Titans and father of the Olympians, Chronos ate all his
children except for Zeus, who killed him.
of the harvest and mother of Persephone.
of the sun, music, and art, one of the most versatile gods.
of the hunt, Moon, and childbirth. The sister of Apollo, she is also a very
versatile Olympian.
goddess of love and the mother of Eros, known to the Romans as Cupid.
god of War.
full-grown from Zeus's head. She is the Goddess of wisdom. The city of Athens
is named for her.
god of the forge. Thrown from the top of Mount Olympus by Zeus, Haephestos is
also crippled. The husband of Aphrodite.
messenger god wears a winged helmet and winged sandals.
daughter of Demeter, Persephone was kidnapped by Hades to be his bride.
Because she ate three pomegranate seeds, she is forced to spend three months
of the year in Hades. This period of time is known as winter.
god of wine and revelry. Dionysos had an enormous following throughout the
Greek world.
god of love. Often depicted as a young child, Eros used magical arrows could
to cause people to fall in love.
Best Regards
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